Tuesday, October 8, 2013

IM TN Journey, October 8, 2013

Wow, we are losing daylight faster and faster each and every day now.  My biking days after work will be gone for the season after this week.  I will miss my outdoor riding friends during the week.  Hopefully, we will be able to continue riding on the weekends, outdoors, for a few more months now.  What a great bunch of people to ride with.  Riding with great people is a great way to relieve the stress from a hectic and stressful day at work.  Fall is such a great time to ride around here. Such awesome roads and views.

A big shout out goes to my friend Judy for completing her century ride at the Seagull this year.  Amazing. 

During the week I will now turn my attention back indoors to the "pain cave", Kelley Acres Speed Shop.  This "pain cave" is a wonderful way to stay in bike shape through the winter and fine tune any bike weaknesses you may have or just to dig very deep and push hard.  Kelley Acres Speed Shop is an multi-rider computrainer class where you can't hide and you can sweat buckets.  Chris Kelley has done an excellent job in setting up each and every session where we can maintain and build upon what we learn on the roads.  We fine tune our pedal strokes and learn to work at our own threshold levels.  All this without any vehicle distractions.  Just a lot of moans and groans from fellow riders.  Yes, some laughter and fun along the way as well.

So my training will continue indoors during the week to stay in shape as I focus on my Ironman (IM) journey.  Speaking of which, did you know with the $$$ we raise on my journey, the Crohns and Colitis Foundation can move forward to help thousands of children with these diseases to have a chance at a normal life.  The CCFA Pediatric Network is developing the largest nationwide program dedicated to improving the standard of care for children and adolescents with Crohn's and Colitis.  With scientific breakthroughs, physicians from around the country are registering kids in innovative programs.  Children with severe IBD often suffer irreversible growth retardation.  Researchers hope to identify more effective ways of managing childhood diseases to avoid the sometimes dire consequences of Crohn's disease in children.  So if you haven't done so yet, please click on this link to make your much needed donation:


People with Crohns suffer in silence as it can be difficult to explain and very embarrassing at times.  It can make daily living a struggle at times.  An example of this silence, was riding several years with an awesome cyclist, Simon (one of our supporters of this journey and cause), and not knowing that he also suffers from Crohns.  On one morning ride I was complaining about my upcoming annual colonoscopy.  A procedure that makes me very ill both mentally and physically.  Simon chimed in and agreed with me and also agreed that the procedure was a horrible experience.  With Crohns and IBD, this is a regular procedure for us. It was then that I discovered that Simon has suffered from Crohns since his college days.  One would never have known it as Simon tries to stay very healthy by biking to work most days and biking with us during the week and on the weekend.  He is a killer on the hills!  For me to know this was like, yes, someone can relate. 

A big Thank You to my fellow biking supporters and hope they are preparing also for upcoming fall and winter sessions in the "pain cave" with Kelley Acres Speed Shop!



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